Hand Therapy Resources and HEP Handouts
We are going to think BIG for you.
We are going to be sharing some big things through Hand Therapy Academy, and this will be your hub for those resources. We will be including a full master course on splinting training that brings together all of our years of training on how to fabricate fast and efficient splints. We will also be sharing descriptions of all of our protocols for treatment for everything from tendon injuries to arthritis care. Lastly, you will find lots of patient handouts for home programs and PDFs you can use in your practice.
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HEP Handouts

Wear & Care Instructions
Here is an easy hand out to provide to your patients with instructions on how to take care of their new orthosis and a customizable wearing schedule.

Distal Median Nerve Glides
This handout shows simple steps to show your patient how to complete a median nerve glide.

Wrist AROM
Here are 4 different exercises explaining gentle AROM movements of the wrist and forearm.

Thera-Putty HEP
When you send your patient home with theraputty, this handout gives the instructions on some of the most common exercises.

Tendon Glides HEP
Our most common hand exercises, this handout uses simple images to explain 6 different AROM exercises.

Thumb AROM
This is a simple explanation of a few key thumb AROM exercises for improving motion of the thumb.
How to Resources

Slosh Pipe Instructions
Slosh pipes can be used for strengthening and also proprioception. Learn how to make your own slosh pipe that you can immediately use in your clinic!

Mirror Box
Mirro box can be a very helpful intervetnion to use with amputees or even CRPS.
Get everything you need to build your own mirrror box. Download the material's shopping list. This all can be done for under $15.

SCI Splint
Spinal Cord Injury Splint- How to Guide. For other great videos and how to guides check out the splinting made easy course or become a pro and cht prep member to access course for free.

Helpful Splinting Tips
Helpful Splinting Tips- Helpful tips to make splinting a little easier. Along with the helpful tips we have our splinting made easy course or become a pro and cht prep member to access course for free.

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