Tendon Transfer Training
With so many possible tendon transfer options it can be overwhelming to try to learn them all. In this course we organize the most common options and explain the evaluation, splinting and treatment options for each of them.

Learning the anatomy and mechanics for each of these common transfers will make planning your treatment easier. We cover 26 different tendon transfers with explanation of the transfer itself, and the mechanics involved.
While there are lots of common patterns and trends for tendon transfer treatment, we provide treatment guidelines for each of these 26 different transfer types. Week-by-week guidelines with an explanation of the splinting needed and the progression toward return to work.

Not all tendon transfers come from a peripheral nerve injury, but it’s organizing them that way is an easier way to learn the patterns and methods for treatment. We also cover some additional transfers based on ruptures from rheumatoid arthritis or other injuries.

Returning to full duty and return to work by week 12 is the goal. And we want to help you get your patients to that goal. This course will take you from beginning to end for treatment of a patient after a tendon transfer...
There are some common patterns and principles that will direct all of your treatment and ensure patient success.
Whether from an injury to the median nerve, or just an injury to a muscle innervated by the median nerve, learn the patterns to care for these patients.
Injures of these muscles can lead to a lack of digit and wrist extension. Transfers work to restore those motions.
A claw deformity can be very functionally limiting. Losing control of the intrinsics and ulnar side of the hand can result in loss of functional grasp. These transfers seek to restore ulnar sided hand function.
These additional few transfers round out the most common transfers.
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After completing the course every student receives a Certificate!
Course Objectives:
1. At the end of the course, the student(s) will be able to categorize the type of tendon transfer recommended based on the nature of injury.
2. Students will be able to identify the principles of treating tendon transfers by determining the appropriate treatment guideline based on the surgery performed.
3. Students will be able to determine the most appropriate splint based on the surgical intervention performed.
Education Level: Intermediate Level, foundational knowledge
Instructional Method: Independent Distance Learning using a post-course assessment
Speaker Disclosures: None to Report
Accessibility: Send a request for accommodations to info@handtherapyacademy.com
Cancellation policy: If the course has yet to be started, a full refund will be granted to the learner if the request is made within 30 days of purchasing the course. If the instructor cancels a full refund will be provided to each participant.
Course completion certificate available after getting an 80% or better on the post-course assessment and answering survey questions on course and course instructors.
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